Introducing Alpine Notes: Basecamp

Put Your Portfolio on Solid Ground

Basecamp is a special Alpine Notes series, exclusive to first time investors. Discover a powerful short-term cash management tool, with a target APY of 8.00%* over a 6-month term, and our lowest ever minimum investment of $5,000.

Build Your Basecamp

Get Cozy with High APY

Alpine Notes Basecamp offers 1st time investors the opportunity to earn a higher 8% APY.

Stay Nimble Investing

Alpine Notes offer high liquidity with the shortest terms of any EquityMultiple investment.

Basecamp is Fee Free

EquityMultiple charges no fees on any Alpine Note investment.

Alpine Note Track Record

Since its inception, the Alpine Note has been our most popular offering, particularly for first time investors on EquityMultiple. To date, we have issued Alpine Notes to 1,800+ investors. EquityMultiple has met all payment and funding obligations with no missed or late interest payments, and over 81% of our investors choose to reinvest with Alpine Notes.

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Compelling Rates with Compounding Interest.

Interest is accrued and compounded on a monthly basis increasing the effective annualized rate of return.

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Build Your Real Estate Portfolio with Basecamp.

With our lowest ever minimum investment of $5,000, Basecamp makes it easier than ever to start building your diversified real estate portfolio. Take advantage of our most attractive Alpine Note terms while they last.

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We built the Alpine Note series to offer our investors with immediately accessible and attractive rates of return. These notes are a short-term investment, making them a convenient solution for cash management. Capital raised through short-term notes is used as a line of credit for EquityMultiple’s core real estate investments: offering sponsors surety of funding on initial closing. This contributes to a more robust pipeline of high-quality investments from high-quality sponsors, to the benefit of EquityMultiple investors.

We currently offer three different terms, 3 months, 6 months, and 9 months, with investors receiving principal repayment at maturity. In the future, we also may offer other term lengths, with higher rates for longer holds (and vice versa).

EquityMultiple’s mission has always been to make real estate investing easy and accessible. Since 2015, we have helped thousands of investors increase their exposure to real estate across different property types, risk profiles, and geographies. We believe that it has never been more important for investors to diversify their portfolios, and are excited to now provide a more holistic wealth management platform.

Alpine Notes are a natural extension of EquityMultiple’s existing offerings. Here are a few highlights:

  • The Note is a cash management tool, EquityMultiple’s first such product.

  • It provides the shortest hold periods yet, for maximum liquidity.

  • The Note provides another means of diversification and short-term yield.

One of the main differentiators is the Note’s short duration. Real estate investments are typically illiquid assets, meaning investors’ money can be tied up for years, until the sale of the property or another capital event. Alpine Notes, however, allow investors to get their principal back quickly. In a persistently low-interest rate environment, many investors will rejoice at an opportunity for attractive current yield from a relatively liquid investment.

EquityMultiple’s real estate investments are structured to offer the maximum degree of investor protections. Diversified Notes go even further to mitigate risk, since EquityMultiple takes the first-loss position in the case of default. Oh, and as an added bonus, there is no fee to invest.

EquityMultiple will purchase a small portion of the aggregate notes issued in this series in a first loss position. This means that upon an occurrence of default, the notes held by EquityMultiple will only receive payments after all other investors receive all principal and interest.

The Note can be a great opportunity for investors looking to deploy unutilized capital without tying it up longer term. If you are an accredited investor, you can invest in Diversified Notes for as little as $5,000. Both experienced and first-time EquityMultiple investors stand to benefit. In particular, investors newer to our platform may appreciate the following benefits:

  • Short-term holds: Free up capital for new investments faster.

  • First-loss position: We put our money where our mouth is. EquityMultiple believes in the value of the Note, and is willing to take the first loss to help protect Note investors.

  • Simple structure: We understand that pro formas are often full of legalese. The Note offers a more investor-friendly thesis, with its primary focus on target rate and duration.

  • Rate Increases — In mid-2024, EquityMultiple increased the rate of return on all Notes series to help investors combat persistent inflation.

  • Compound Interest – Interest will now accrue and compound, rather than pay out monthly. This will increase investor returns by approximately 20 bps in the first year alone.

  • Automatic Rollover – Rolling over into the next series of Notes will now be seamless. EquityMultiple’s Customer Success Team can facilitate rollover at maturity to allow for further compounding of returns.

  • Early Redemption – Investors in new Note series will have the option to request early redemption to invest in another EquityMultiple offering without penalty.

  • Basecamp – In response to investor demand, we're now offering a special Alpine Note Series exclusively available to first time investors on EquityMultiple. Enjoy a boosted APY of 8% and our shortest Note terms of 3 months.