Multiple Perspectives, a podcast produced by EquityMultiple, is available on Stitcher, Spotify, Apple Podcasts, or wherever you listen to podcasts.
On this episode of Multiple Perspectives, host David Lofgren speaks with Dr. Adam Gower, author, educator, thought leader, and founder of GowerCrowd.
Dr. Gower takes us on a ride from the crash of 1929 through the great recession, and finally through the economic tumult of 2020 in order to make the case that crowdfunding, as a model for commercial real estate investing, has completely revolutionized the industry. In his latest book, Real Estate Crowdfunding Unleashed, he details the ways in which this relatively new method of raising capital has become, according to his analysis, the fastest growing industry in the history of American finance.
Get the new book, Real Estate Crowdfunding Unleashed, here.